The New Benchmark in AI Generative Video: An Introduction to Pika Labs

Aug 3, 2023 | AI News | 0 comments

When a new technological trend emerges, such as the Web, smartphones, or AI, the playing field is reset, opening windows of opportunity for audacious start-ups. One such company that has suddenly become the benchmark in “text-to-video” is Pika Labs.

Pika Labs: Setting the Pace in AI Generative Video

In the realm of AI generative video, we’ve seen applications like Kaiber or Genmo, which, to be frank, left much to be desired with their illogical and even ungraceful mutating backgrounds. Last May, we highlighted several AI generative video applications with immense potential, albeit mostly in the prototype stage, including Google Imagen, VideoLDM from Nvidia, and RunwayML’s Gen-1, which was already one of the most promising.

The first significant advancement came from Gen-2, the successor to Gen-1, which we reviewed in a previous article. RunwayML’s start-up tool, while not perfect, represented a real step forward in video generation from text.

Pika Labs: A New Dawn in AI Generative Video

Then, almost overnight, a newcomer, Pika Labs, comfortably took the top spot. The tool offered by this start-up can generate short but highly realistic videos, with a real grace to the images, such as when a character’s hair is swept by the wind, or shadows and lights caress a tired face.

Accessible, like Midjourney, from a Discord server, Pika Labs is currently completely free and thus open to your imagination. The application is accessible at this address: While the videos are limited to 3 seconds, by chaining these small clips, it is possible to create sequences that have style.

Pika Labs: Inspiring Creatives

The unexpected point is that such a tool has inspired some creatives who have started to post creations made with Pika Labs on Twitter. Just as the electric guitar gave rise to Jimi Hendrix, and the synthesizer highlighted Vangelis, Pika Labs is fostering a new generation of visionary virtuosos. Among them are the Dor Brothers, Risk (@ImposterChick), Mr Allen T, and Scottie Wick. This sudden and luxuriant emergence suggests that a small revolution, initiated by new AI tools, is underway.

Discover More AI Tools

Here are the best AI tools we have selected to improve your performance and productivity in creating videos:, Deepbrain AI, Vistaspeech, Switcher Studio,and  Synthesia.

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